Flowered meadows: composition & information
By planting Beeodiversity seeds, you contribute to the development of biodiversity and the regeneration of bee and pollinator populations. These bees and pollinators are essential for the preservation of biodiversity, food and crop diversity. In the end, our well-being is at stake! For more information on the problem of the disappearance of pollinators and the consequences it generates: see here
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Composition & information:
Silene vulgaris, Papaver rhoeas, Centaurea cyanus, Borago offi cinalis, Malva moschata, Glebionis segetum, Agrostemma githago,…
Flowering: from June to September
Height: 30 to 60 cm
Sowing instructions :
Location: sunny, soil normally drained.
Sowing-advised date: April-May / September
The density is 1gr/m² (1 bag = 3m²)
- Prepare the ground finely
- Sow directly in place on the surface and on finely prepared soil
- Pack well.
- Water if necessary.
Do not cover the seeds.
Within three weeks, the pretty flowers in your new garden will help insects and biodiversity
Contact us if you wish to support the BEEODIVERSITY project, whether through a donation or the purchase of insect hotels, honey, honey seeds,…
Thank you !

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Want to halt the loss of biodiversity and create value? Do you have an idea or do you want to find out more about our approach and our services ?
Complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Terms of service & General conditions of use
BeeOdiversity develops projects in several European countries, Switzerland and the United States. Its tools and services can be used the world over.
To contact us from Belgium and abroad : +32 2 428 00 82
Head office :
Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23
1050 Brussels, Belgium