How bottled water producers can protect their most precious resource with BeeOmonitoring

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Credits Hans

The growing pressure on water quality

Consumers and regulators are increasingly demanding about the safety of water in general, and bottled water in particular. They expect companies to demonstrate environmental responsibility by proactively protecting their water sources.

There are several types of bottled water available on the market:

  • Natural mineral water must originate from an underground source and be microbiologically wholesome at the source.
  • Spring water also comes from an underground source but does not require a stable mineral composition.
  • Water made drinkable by treatment comes from groundwater or surface water, then undergoes treatment before being bottled and sold to consumers.

The importance of pollution prevention for bottled water producers

Bottled water falls under strict regulations that limit the treatments that can be applied.
Natural mineral water cannot undergo any chemical or microbiological treatment, making pollution prevention at the source essential. According to ANSES, natural mineral water must be free from any disinfection, filtration, or chemical treatment, ensuring its original purity is preserved. Therefore, natural mineral water producers must rely entirely on safeguarding their catchment areas.

Spring water, while also sourced from underground, may undergo minimal treatment to remove unwanted natural elements such as iron or manganese.
In contrast, water made drinkable by treatment follows standard drinking water regulations, as do municipal tap water suppliers, and can be processed to remove contaminants.

These regulatory constraints make pollution prevention at the source critical for bottled water producers, particularly those handling natural mineral and spring water. Unlike tap water suppliers, they cannot rely on treatment processes to remove contamination after extraction. Ensuring water safety requires proactive measures to monitor and safeguard the quality of catchment areas before pollutants reach the water source.

How BeeOmonitoring helps bottled water brands stay ahead

Early detection of pollutants

Bees naturally collect millions of environmental samples over a vast area of 700 hectares. This unique biomonitoring approach provides an early warning system, identifying pollution sources before they reach groundwater and pose a risk to catchment zones. By using BeeOmonitoring, bottled water producers can detect contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial pollutants early, allowing them to take preventive actions.

Proving environmental excellence

BeeOmonitoring generates quantitative biodiversity and pollution indicators, enabling bottled water brands to transparently communicate their environmental efforts. This data-driven approach enhances credibility in sustainability reporting and supports compliance with ESG standards.

Strengthening stakeholder trust

Regulatory bodies, local communities, and consumers are more likely to trust brands that actively monitor and protect water resources. Demonstrating a commitment to biodiversity and pollution prevention reinforces a company’s position as a responsible environmental steward.

Case study: A pioneering approach to biodiversity and water protection

One leading European bottled water brand manages thousands of hectares of conservation land. The company adopted BeeOmonitoring to assess the effectiveness of its biodiversity protection measures and to detect pollutants that conventional water testing methods could not identify.

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credits Ronymichaud

Actions taken:

  • Targeted biodiversity restoration including reintroduction of native plants to enhance ecosystem health.
  • Installation of insect hotels as supporting pollinator populations is crucial for maintaining local biodiversity.
  • Community engagement by promoting sustainable land management through collaboration with local stakeholders.

By leveraging BeeOmonitoring, the brand strengthened its environmental strategy, improved regulatory compliance, and enhanced its corporate sustainability communication.

The business case for proactive water catchment management

Preventing pollution at the source

Since bottled water producers cannot use chemical treatments to purify their water, ensuring pollution never reaches the catchment area is essential. Proactive monitoring allows companies to take early action, mitigating risks before they compromise water quality.

Cost savings

Preventing pollution through early detection significantly reduces the need for expensive water treatment investments, helping bottled water producers optimize operational costs.

Regulatory compliance

BeeOmonitoring supports compliance with stringent environmental regulations and ESG reporting requirements, ensuring brands stay ahead of evolving sustainability standards.

Marketing & communication benefits

Quantified environmental data strengthens a brand’s positioning and supports sustainability claims, giving companies a competitive edge in an increasingly eco-conscious market.

Secure the future of your water sources

Are you a bottled water producer looking to enhance your water catchment protection strategy? Contact BeeOdiversity today and discover how BeeOmonitoring can help safeguard your natural water sources while reinforcing your sustainability leadership.
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credits Axe-Grin


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