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Spa Monopole – projet BeeSpa

Bees at the service of mineral water quality

For over 125 years, Spa Monopole has been running an extensive programme to protect the environment and the water resources of Spa. The Spa mineral waters conservation area currently covers an area of more than 13,000 hectares.

It was essential to Spa Monopole that it could also check the positive impact of these measures to protect biodiversity and the environment in general, more specifically by checking the absence of pollutants such as pesticides. However, putting a monitoring system in place for an area of that size and taking samples manually proved to be impossible.

This is why BeeOdiversity put 8 colonies on the site, i.e. 400,000 bees that preserve biodiversity purely through pollination and which, over an area of +/- 3000 hectares, collect numerous samples via the pollen and nectar they bring back to the hive. As a result, BeeOdiversity  is now able to perform scientific analyses on the basis of these samples and study the biodiversity state of play using bee-related indicators. In turn, these analyses allow Spa Monopole to monitor the quality of the biodiversity and the absence of any contaminants to ensure that the quality of their mineral waters can be guaranteed.

For over 125 years, Spa Monopole has been running an extensive programme to protect the environment and the water resources of Spa. The Spa mineral waters conservation area currently covers an area of more than 13,000 hectares.

It was essential to Spa Monopole that it could also check the positive impact of these measures to protect biodiversity and the environment in general, more specifically by checking the absence of pollutants such as pesticides. However, putting a monitoring system in place for an area of that size and taking samples manually proved to be impossible.

This is why BeeOdiversity put 8 colonies on the site, i.e. 400,000 bees that preserve biodiversity purely through pollination and which, over an area of +/- 3000 hectares, collect numerous samples via the pollen and nectar they bring back to the hive. As a result, BeeOdiversity  is now able to perform scientific analyses on the basis of these samples and study the biodiversity state of play using bee-related indicators. In turn, these analyses allow Spa Monopole to monitor the quality of the biodiversity and the absence of any contaminants to ensure that the quality of their mineral waters can be guaranteed.

On the basis of the results obtained, BeeOdiversity  furthermore advises Spa Monopole on any measures that need to be taken (e.g.: the reintroduction of plants) to enhance the environment and more specifically the ecosystems associated with pollinators. Biodiversity improvements have also been carried out on the Spa Monopole site (plantations, insect hotel,…).

Spa Monopole was the first partner to opt for our environmental monitoring tool. Their expertise and know-how was of immeasurable value in terms of fine-tuning this tool and our services in general. We thank Spa Monopole for their trust and their collaborative spirit which is so precious to a start-up!


On the basis of the results obtained, BeeOdiversity  furthermore advises Spa Monopole on any measures that need to be taken (e.g.: the reintroduction of plants) to enhance the environment and more specifically the ecosystems associated with pollinators. Biodiversity improvements have also been carried out on the Spa Monopole site (plantations, insect hotel, …).

Spa Monopole was the first partner to opt for our environmental monitoring tool. Their expertise and know-how was of immeasurable value in terms of fine-tuning this tool and our services in general. We thank Spa Monopole for their trust and their collaborative spirit which is so precious to a start-up!

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    BeeOdiversity develops projects in several European countries, Switzerland and the United States. Its tools and services can be used the world over.


    To contact us from Belgium and abroad : +32 2 428 00 82

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    Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23

    1050 Brussels, Belgium


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