The Health Benefits of Nature and Biodiversity
« It is now necessary to raise awareness of the multiple health benefits of interaction with nature, which the therapeutic gardens illustrate in particular, and to bring their development to the highest level, both for patients and for the living. »
Dr. Thérèse Jonveaux, Neurologist at Nancy UHC
CDC Biodiversité organized on January 21, 2020 the symposium “Biodiversity and Humanity: One Health“.
Everyone agrees that environment and health are closely linked, whether it is the negative effects of a polluted environment or the positive effects of the anti-stress and well-being power of nature on man and his mental health. Read the article.
Actors (doctors, researchers, companies, etc.) are developing tools to better understand these effects.
Methods developed in collaboration with nature are already yielding positive results (forest baths, therapeutic gardens, etc.).
Dr. Thérèse Jonveaux, neurologist at the Nancy University Hospital and Alzheimer’s disease specialist was one of the guests. Dr. Thérèse Jonveaux led the research program on the effects of a therapeutic garden at the CHRU de Nancy (F) in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. She testified to the positive effects of such gardens for :
- Patients:
– More overall autonomy
– Positive impact on physical and mental health, social interactions and quality of life,
– Reduction of psycho-behavioural disorders
– Decrease in health costs (savings on sedative psychotropic drugs) and drug iatrogeny (adverse effects)

2. Staff welfare:
– Improvement of working conditions: these gardens reduce stress and the risk of burn-out but also ensure a better relationship with patients
– Capacity building: Gardens improve, among other things, creativity and concentration skills.
3. Satisfaction of other stakeholders (residents, families, local community).
4. Quality of the retirement home (attractiveness, less absenteeism, better service, etc.)
BeeOdiversity has been collaborating for several years with Dr. Thérèse Jonvaux and her team of researchers. This collaboration has led to the creation of the Garden For Health and Life, a specific biodiversity management for :
EHPADs, retirement homes and hospitals to fight against certain pathologies: neurodevelopmental diseases, psychiatric diseases, neurological diseases, oncology, etc.
Companies to reduce the risk of stress and burn-out and improve efficiency at work.
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