Bees in the face of climate change

Bees in the face of climate change

Mild winters and dry summers, climatic hazards have a strong impact on honey bee colonies and wild pollinators. The situation is likely to become more complicated from year to year. To help pollinators, several courses of action are possible.

BeeOdiversity: biomonitoring in 2021

BeeOdiversity: biomonitoring in 2021

In the course of 2021, 3 million people benefited from biomonitoring of their environment through bees. From plant diversity to pollutant concentrations, thousands of analyses have been carried out with surprising results!

Survey biodiversity with ecological audits

Survey biodiversity with ecological audits

A biodiversity audit makes it possible to observe the plant and animal kingdom of a site. The objective is to identify the state of conservation of the natural environment, to define the strengths and weaknesses of a site and to identify the threats to which the natural habitats are subject in order to be able to take appropriate action for biodiversity.

Biodiversity for investors

Biodiversity for investors

More than half of global GDP depends on nature and its ecosystem services. However, unprecedented biodiversity loss is putting this global value at risk. Given the enormity of the challenge, investors have a role to play.

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    Terms of service & General conditions of use

    BeeOdiversity develops projects in several European countries, Switzerland and the United States. Its tools and services can be used the world over.


    To contact us from Belgium and abroad : +32 2 428 00 82

    Head office :

    Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23

    1050 Brussels, Belgium


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